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Tire Blowout

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Fort Smith Tire Blowout Attorneys

Sometimes, an individual will be driving and hear a loud bang followed by sudden loss of control of their vehicle, and after this, especially on a highway, devastating consequences can occur. In this instance, a driver likely suffered from a tire blowout. Tire blowouts are usually caused by low tire pressure, over-inflation, or poor manufacturing. While drivers are expected to check their tire quality from time to time, sometimes tire failure can occur completely out of their control, which often results in serious injury and financial consequences.

A defective vehicle is characterized as one that was sold in a dangerous condition that may cause injury for the driver or passengers. If a manufacturer, retailer, or installer failed to ensure the safety of a driver by putting them in the position to experience a tire blowout, then they can be held legally liable. At McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm, our Fort Smith auto defect lawyers are prepared to defend the rights of individuals who suffered from driving a vehicle in a dangerous condition. Tires always blow out for a reason, and if the driver is not at fault, then our skilled attorneys can track down the responsible party.

Ways a Tire Blowout Can Occur

Unfortunately one of the most common instances in defective auto cases with tire blowouts involve trucks. Often times businesses will recondition tires to save money, but maintaining poor vehicle safety is illegal and can put not just the driver, but other people on the road at risk. Some other ways that tire blowout can occur include,

  • Dangerous tire design
  • Lack of or ineffective repairs
  • Poor manufacturing
  • Incorrect installation

The irresponsibility of automobile businesses may not cost them in dollars but certainly can cost others their lives. If you suffered injury from a tire blowout that you did not cause, then contacting a lawyer can help compensate you for that shocking and often painful experience. Our Fort Smith auto defect lawyers understand how serious it is for drivers to stay safe, and are passionate about protecting others from negligent vehicle industries.

Contact a Fort Smith Auto Defect Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured or died a wrongful death, then contacting our law offices can help you deal with any bills, therapy, or grief. Our Fort Worth auto defect lawyers are very aware of the particular safety standards that must be met in automobiles before putting a person behind the wheel. Our legal team is passionate about protecting the public from the defective cars that are released into Fort Smith, as we even put on driver safety events in the community. Contact an attorney of McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm at (479) 783-0036 today.