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Fort Smith Car Accident Lawyers for Loss of Future Income

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Fort Smith Car Accident Lawyers for Loss of Future Income

Fort Smith Car Accident Lawyers for Loss of Future IncomeIf the injuries you sustained in a car crash resulted in a loss of future income, you should contact McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm immediately. The negligent driver responsible for causing the accident could be held liable. The compensation you receive could compensate for the wages you won’t be able to make due to the injury you suffered.

Loss of future income involves any earnings a person is unable to make after an accident someone else causes. Some people can’t return to work because of the injury they sustained, while others can return to their jobs at a limited functioning capacity. If your injury affects your ability to earn your usual wages at work in any way, you could seek compensation for your loss of future income.

At McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm, our Fort Smith car accident lawyers have more than 50 years of combined experience fighting for the rights of accident victims. We will put our skills and resources to work for you when you hire us. We understand the ramifications an injury can have on your job and your ability to pay your bills. You can depend on us to aggressively pursue the money you’re owed, so you don’t face financial struggles while recovering from your injury.

For a free consultation and to learn more about what McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm can do for you, call us at (479) 783-0036 today.

Common Types of Lost Future Income

Loss of future income is all income a person can’t earn in the future because of their injury. You could recover compensation for loss of future income if someone else caused the car accident. Future income doesn’t only include your salary or wages. It can also include:

  • Pay raises
  • Benefits
  • Lost future employment opportunities
  • Retirement plan contributions
  • Commission
  • Sick and vacation days
  • Bonuses

Whether you’re out of work for a few days or several years, you deserve to be compensated for any income you can’t make if your injury causes a physical or mental impairment. For example, if you worked in a warehouse and lost a limb in a car crash, you likely won’t have the physical ability to climb ladders or carry heavy boxes. You will need compensation to cover your expenses while pursuing education or training to find new employment.

Seeking Compensation for Loss of Future Income

Fort Smith Car Accident Lawyers for Loss of Future IncomeThe money you receive could come from the negligent driver’s insurance company. Every motorist in Arkansas must purchase and maintain auto insurance with minimum liability limits of:

  • $25,000 per person for bodily injury
  • $50,000 per accident
  • $25,000 for property damage

After you file a claim, you should provide the necessary evidence to show you can’t earn the same amount of money you made before the crash. Evidence could include:

  • Pay stubs
  • Letters from your employer
  • Prior tax returns
  • Affidavits from medical experts stating the effects of your injury on your ability to perform your job
  • Lost wage reports
  • Employment records indicating your experience and skills that would transfer to a different position or find a new job at another company
  • Job description showing the tasks required for your current employment

If the insurance company doesn’t offer a fair settlement or denies your claim entirely, you could file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. You must adhere to a statute of limitations to sue someone for compensation. Arkansas has a three-year statute of limitations. That means you only have three years from the accident date to file your lawsuit. Once the deadline passes, you could lose your right to hold the negligent motorist liable for their actions.

How to Calculate Loss of Future Income

You should call McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm immediately after a car accident. You might think your injury is minor and won’t require much time away from work. However, a small bump on the head could end up being a serious concussion. If you need to spend weeks or months recovering, you could miss out on the money you need to cover your lost income if you don’t hire a lawyer to represent you in your case.

Calculating a loss of future income can be complicated. You must show that the nature of your injury prevents you from returning to your job or limits your abilities at work in some way. The evidence we need will depend on the circumstances of your case but could include:

  • Average weekly or monthly wage or salary earned before the car accident
  • Physical and mental impairments the injury causes that interfere with your work abilities
  • Your age, employment history, education, and additional information related to your experience and the skills necessary to find another job
  • The severity of the injury and the required length of recovery based on your treating physician’s evaluation
  • Bonuses received in the past
  • Vacation and sick days provided by the employer
  • Raises previously earned

McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm is ready to fight for the maximum compensation you deserve. You shouldn’t be forced to face the burden of diminished earnings because someone else behaved carelessly. We know what it takes to prove a loss of future income so our clients receive the money they’re owed.

Contact Us

McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm knows you might already struggle with financial strain after a car crash. You’re worried about how you’re going to make money to support yourself and your family. You shouldn’t also have the overwhelming stress of wondering how you’re going to afford to hire a lawyer. We take cases on contingency, so you’re not responsible for upfront fees or costs. You’ll never owe us any money unless we recover compensation for you.

The Fort Smith car accident lawyers of McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm have represented injured victims since 1991. We provide compassionate and dependable legal representation to members of the community in need of guidance and support. When you hire us, we will stay by your side to help you through this devastating time in your life. You can count on us to fight for the justice you deserve.

If you suffered a loss of future income after a car accident that wasn’t your fault, do not hesitate to contact McCutchen Napurano - The Law Firm. We will go to battle for you against the insurance company and negligent driver to seek the compensation you need. Call us at (479) 783-0036 right now for a free consultation.